Decentralized Debt-Free Money Overview


DDFM is an improved money system that more efficiently mobilizes resources to improve the quality of life while living within the means of a finite planet.

The Blockchain

DDFM uses a  consensus protocol blockchain with a built-in exchange to issue tokens for several uses.  One token is earned into existence and used primarily as a means of exchange.  There are multiple tokens that represent real estate, physical assets, and company stocks.  

The blockchain is also used for voting and user identity.  


Distribution organizations are run by project owners who get paid based on the number of users and transaction volume.  

They are responsible for verifying users and facilitating payments to project owners.  As well as keeping the vaults and main accounts safe and secure.

Decentralized Autonomous Organization Technology will be used to manage and change the organization’s rules to establish project priorities.

AI will process relevant data to analyze local resources and assist the DAO with prioritizing projects.

Projects – Project Owners

Project Owners instigate and complete jobs from a list of approved projects. The approved project list is developed using a decentralized organization with help from AI. Project Funding is created or recirculated into the economy through Distribution organizations.  Member businesses are eligible to participate.  Payments are distributed based on percent completion.  

There are a few types of projects with different requirements. 

  1. Non profit
  2. Semi profit
  3. For Profit 

Non Profit Projects do not create a cashflow or sell their deliverables.  For example, building or maintaining infrastructure that doesn’t generate revenue or eduction that doesn’t generate a revenue. 

Semi profit projects can generate some cash flow but may not make enough to make ends meet.  An example of this is healthcare.  It is good to charge something for healthcare to have some control of usage but it isn’t necessary to make a profit. This is an investment in the human resources and will pay for itself through increased productivity.    

For profit projects generally don’t need to be funded through projects but if they are then they need to follow the rules of a Semi profit project until they pay off the money received.  For example a restaurant wants to upgrade the facility but it is a ROI risk.  They can use project money instead of a loan and comply with the payscale restrictions indefinitely or until the project money is returned. 


These are the employees or vendors who get paid by project owners from the project funds.  They can use their money to pay their bills, they can invest in any number of tokens or they can make deposits in the Distribution Vault.  

Distribution Vault

Saving the Means of Exchange (MOE) token is discouraged.  If you don’t want to move your tokens to Store of Value tokens you can put them in the Distribution Vault where they are 100% guaranteed to be available anytime but it allows them to be redistributed so they continue be in circulation.


The Means of Exchange token is the only token that gets earned into existence.  This token is meant to be very stable but not a store of value.  The goal is to keep them in circulation and not stuck in accounts.


Store of Value tokens represent physical assets and organizations.  Stuff that is valuable even without money.  For example, Real estate, Inventory, and organized human resources.  Tokens are created by approved organizations to represent real estate,  unsold product, unsold raw resources, and company stock.  These tokens can be spent just like the means of exchange token using the block chain’s built in exchange.


Taxes, Fines, and Insurance.  The only tax required for this system to work is sales tax.  The purpose of sales tax is to incentivise using less and buying products that do less harm.  This adds a level of control to incentivise businesses to build sustainably and consumers to buy sustainably. 

Fines are the same as they are now, but they go straight to distribution.  For example, the police force is paid through projects so the fines go to distribution to close the loop.  A business breaking a rule that does harm to people or the planet the fine goes to distribution to cover the law and order infrastructure and to pay for projects to clean up the mess.

Insurance is taken care of by the system.  Private project owners are paid to handle the processing, but payouts come from distribution.  Paying for health insurance, car insurance, home insurance, and liability insurance all goes to distribution.  This is a Semi Profit Project.  Premiums are low for people who drive safely or live a healthy lifestyle.