Feeling Alone and Disconnected? It Might be Time to Join a Village

The Big Idea

The Modern Village Revolution


I could give you a bunch of statistics on how alone and disconnected people across the world feel – but if I did that, it might make you feel more alone and disconnected.

I know it would have that effect on me.

That’s because we, the people, are not numbers.

We are not data.

We are not “target audiences.”

(In fact, we should drop that word altogether. No one should be a “target” of anything.)

We crave – and need – connection with others.

Personally, I have worked remotely since 2014. Over the last 10 years, there have been times where I haven’t seen someone who wasn’t a colleague or family member for weeks or even months at a time.

It takes a toll.

And I don’t think it’s any coincidence that our collective anger and loneliness seem to rise in tandem.

In so many ways, our modern world isn’t working.

That’s why it might be time to return to the Village.

The Big Idea

Remember Spring of 2020, when a scary world suddenly became terrifying, and it felt like we were really all on our own?

In Seattle, Jason Sears and some of his friends and neighbors responded to that world by taking action.

Together, they began connecting with one another organically, with the purpose of seeing how they could grow a community that would help people better deal with the isolation of the modern world.

The result?

VillageCo, a nonprofit that works on creating and strengthening “villages” in existing communities, became a reality.

The point of a village isn’t to advance a specific cause or issue.

It’s about bringing people together in a way that makes a hard and cold world a little softer and a little warmer.

In a village, the concept of loving your neighbor isn’t an abstraction.

The village revolution makes loving your neighbor a practical reality by providing a place where we can check in on one another.

A village isn’t another political unit, like a town or county. It’s a place that can be consciously created to ensure no one is being left behind.

Here’s their vision, mission, and practice:

Our Vision: A world where everyone feels a sense of belonging to a local community, where they can connect with anyone, have meaningful conversations, and take intentional action to make a difference.

Our Mission: To provide the tools and support that groups need to form Villages and root them into neighborhoods, workplaces, and families.

Our Practice: Village Members practice activities such as gathering, sharing, and taking roles. These practices are known to build a sense of belonging and connection within existing communities.

Why I Believe in This Idea

The world has grown too large. We often relate to one another as members of identity groups, as believers in specific political ideologies, or as members of large nation-states.

And we all seem a little lost in the shuffle.

I had the privilege of attending a virtual meeting of the Seattle Village, which included attendees from across the world, in addition to the Seattle-based members of the Village.

Despite not being in Seattle, I felt that sense of belonging when I attended their most recent weekly meeting.

And the Village revolution is not restricted to Seattle. You can start a village in your own community by contacting Jason, or by simply getting out there and organizing your neighbors.

As the world has grown larger, so have the cracks that people can fall into.

The Village Revolution is all about stitching our communities back together and shrinking those cracks.

And it’s exactly the Revolution we need.

Who’s Behind the Idea

The village revolution is the product of many people working across the world to make it a reality, but VillageCo co-founder and Administrative Director Jason Sears is a great person to talk to. He can do a better job telling you more about the history, the movement, and why it takes a Village to change the world – literally!

How You Can Get Involved

For more information on the modern village movement contact Jason, or me!